Corporate Shopping

How it works

  • 1. Meet

    Book a 30-minute meet and greet either in person or virtually. We’ll discuss the event you are planning, the dress code, size of your team, and per person budget.

  • 2. Measurements

    I will come to your office and meet your team. Spending about 5-10 minutes 1:1 with each staff member, I’ll take measurements, discuss likes and dislikes, and create a personalized experience for each team member.

  • 3. Fittings

    After I have pulled options for each person, I’ll come back to the office with the selections. They will schedule a 30-minute 1:1 with me to try on their options. I will return any unchosen items and offer a 1-time exchange for other items (after which a gift receipt will be issued).

Starting at $1000

The final cost is determined by the size of your team.

Headshots and Marketing images.

Now that everyone is dressed, it is a great time to schedule a photoshoot! I have partnered with the power duo behind James May Photographics to offer styled photoshoots or headshots for those of you who need to update your marketing image. With over six years of shooting corporate photography together, we can coordinate a streamlined photoshoot that tells the story behind your company in beautiful, powerful imagery.

Wondering about recurring shopping needs?

Because I’ve gotten to know you, it’s easy for me to pick something up on your behalf if you feel like you need a minor update here or there. Ask me about pricing for your recurring shopping needs.