Concierge Shopping

How it works

  • 1. Meet

    Book a 30-minute meet and greet either in person or virtually. Before our meeting, I’ll ask you to complete a 3-minute questionnaire that will help me develop a personalized style profile. This will inform what I am looking for on your behalf. In our meeting, we’ll discuss your goals, budget, and any specific pieces you are dreaming about finding.

  • 2. Curation

    You put your feet up and go about your day. Meanwhile, hitting consignment stores, local boutiques, and finding conscious brands, I will curate plenty of sustainable outfit options that align with your goals and style profile. To avoid any tricky return policies, I am building a portfolio of partnering retailers who graciously allow me to buy and return at no risk.

  • 3. Delivery and Styling

    On your schedule, I will deliver the pieces I have found to your home or office —whichever is best for you! Together we will take some time to try everything on, deciding what pieces you love, how to wear them, and what to return or exchange. Set aside approximately 2 hours for our first session.

  • 4. Get dressed

    Smile! We’ll be photographing the combinations we love to be included in your style profile. After our session, I will send you a digital copy to use as a visual reference so you don’t have to try to remember all the combinations we created when you get dressed.

Starting at $700

This session will take 2 hours of your time plus an hour if we do exchanges.

Any further exchanges will be charged at an hourly rate.

Wondering about recurring shopping needs?

So you really enjoyed the “not-shopping” part of shopping and might need a minor update here and there. Now that we know one another, it’s easy for me to do this for you! Ask me about pricing for your recurring shopping needs.

Headshots and Marketing images.

Feeling AMAZING? Let’s schedule a styled photoshoot! I have partnered with the power duo behind James May Photographics to offer styled photoshoots or headshots for those of you who need to update your marketing image.