Closet Shop

How it works

  • 1. Meet

    Book a 30-minute meet and greet either in person or virtually. Before our meeting, I will send you a 3-minute questionnaire. Your answers will help me to create a style profile that will inform what we are looking for in the racks of your closet. In our meeting, we’ll discuss your goals and make sure we’re on the same page.

  • 2. Shop (your closet)

    Set aside 2-3 hours and be prepared to try on a lot of combinations — we are going to be playing some major dress-up! We’ll go through your entire closet, including shoes and accessories, creating combinations using your style profile as a launching point.

  • 3. Organize

    During the process, we’ll be purging and organizing. When I leave we’ll have sections in your closet that will streamline how you get dressed. I will take any rejected items off your hands and donate or consign them on your behalf.

  • 4. Get dressed

    Smile! We’ll be photographing the combinations we love to be included in your style profile. After our session, I will send you a digital copy to use as a visual reference so you don’t have to try to remember all the combinations we created when you get dressed.

Starting at $300

This session will take 2-3 hours.

Wondering about recurring shopping needs?

Now that we know one another, it’s easy for me to pick something up for you if you feel like you need a minor update here or there. Ask me about pricing for your recurring shopping needs.

Headshots and Marketing images.

Feeling AMAZING? Let’s schedule a styled photoshoot! I have partnered with the power duo behind James May Photographics to offer styled photoshoots or headshots for those of you who need to update your marketing image.